Em homenagem à longa quarentena deste ano, em que foi necessário manter as crianças ocupadas todos os dias, quero contar a vocês sobre a experiência de combinar designers da Fischertechnik e o mundo dos computadores de placa única abertos (com uma grande variedade de sensores e atuadores para eles) para meus filhos.
: . Micro:Bit 90° DSO138. - - , «» 3- , .
(, ), ( , ), Arduino, Raspberry Pi, BBC Micro:Bit «», Arduino, Raspberry, Scratch & Co. Software and hardware add-ons for fischertechnik. Bluetooth «» BBC Micro:Bit ( ) , 9 "" (9 ) « Arduino» ( , 5 , 3.3 ). — , , .
, ( , , 9 «» Ni-MH 8.4 ) «» , , , . «» Micro:Bit (iOS/Android) (MacOS/Linux/Windows) Bluetooth USB . Scratch- Microsoft MakeCode for Micro:Bit JavaScript , . , C Python , . Micro:Bit Fischertechnik ( 9 ), ( 9 ).
Micro:Bit — , . , , , , . , . , BBC Micro:Bit (, ). Kitronik , … , , « », , .
- MakeCode . , , . Micro:Bit ( 0.1 ), , ( 2 4 H-bridge , ), Micro:Bit 3.3 , step down voltage regulator) 3.3 5 -. , , , , H-bridge . , 16 , 4 ( 2, ). , H-Bridge, 3D .
, KITRONIK ( — , , ) ( , ).
- micro:bit IO F5 board (€27.90) — , , , , . , .
- Kitronik Interface board for microbit and Fischertechnik (£9.85) — Kitronik , 9 , . , .
- Kitronik Motor Driver Board for the BBC micro:bit — V2.0 (£9.64) — 4.5 — 6 , 9 . , , (. ).
- Kitronik Motor Driver Board for the BBC micro:bit — V2.1 (£9.65) — , 3 — 10 , .
- Kitronik New Compact Control Boards For micro:bit — KITRONIK 3 — 10.8 . , . "Kitronik Compact All-In-One Robotics Board for BBC micro:bit" (£11.00), .
- Keywish Expansion Board for Micro:bit GPIO Expansion Python IO:bit 5V with On Board Passive Buzzer (US $5) — - IO:Bit 6 — 12 ( 5 USB ) 3.3 5 . , . , .
- Keywish Motor:Bit Multifunctional Motor Drive Expansion Board DC Support 8 servos (US $14) — - Motor:Bit 6 — 36 ( 5 USB ) 3.3 5 . . , .
BBC Micro:Bit Keywish Newbit 100% Compatible with Micro:Bit (US $12) , . — .
, . , ( 31 ) , ( 10 2020 1 77 ). , - , . , Lazada — 2 , ( US $0.6 — 1.3). 3D — , , (, 3D US $10 , ).
" " ( ), " " (₽40), " " (₽10), 5 "LDR Light Dependent Resistor LDR 5MM Photoresistor" (US $0.24) 10 "LDR Photoresistor 10mm ldr 10mm" (US $0.35), Lazada. , " " ( , ), " ". -, , - , , , .
MG996R 180° (US $2) . , : 180° () 360° ( )… , . 360° , 180°… , . , 360° ( , , ).
"Aluminum Metal 25T Servo Arm Round type Disc For MG995 MG996" (US $0.35) 4- M3, 14 ( 15 ), .
NiMH (₽2990) 5 , USB Micro:Bit 3.3 . , Micro:Bit , . , NiMH , - - . Micro:Bit, 6… 7.2 ( ) . , , .
- - (US $2) 38 c , — , -, , — , … , 0.1 , , ( 0.2 , ), ( , — Micro:Bit ). MakeCode Micro:Bit, " ": Keyestudio IR Remote Control Receiver Module Kit (US $5).
, : 5 10 .
, .
, 210 (₽1120) 90 ( , 30 , ). MakerBeam XL 15x15 mm 3D , . 4 300 (US $14), , . — , 4 MakerBeam XL ( ). , 3D , ( , , ). «MakerBeam XL (15mmx15mm) Regular Starter Kit including beams, brackets, nuts and bolts» (US $125), , -...
Nema 14, 3D ( , ). ( — , ), (, , ), : 160528: Holder stepper motor (US $1.67).
, :
- , /// EXCEL DT-9205A (US $5)
- , ( ) DSO138 Oscilloscope Digital (US $10)
? , — 50 ( 20 ) ( ) 2.5-12.5%. 12.5% ( , 180°). , Micro:Bit 180° ( 12.5%), . - .
Hantek 2C42 2D42 ( US $100) X-Y ( ), .
( 0.2 ), US $3.5 , — , , — , . , — .
- Wire Stripper Cable Cutter (AWG 10-30) (US $4)
- SN01BM Terminal Crimping Tool For Dupont PH2.0 KF2510 Servo 0.08-0.5mm2 AWG28-20 (US $8)
, ( ), ( ), Dupont, .
, . 16 0.08 (, , ), AWG 28 , 0.8 , AWG 30/32. — , , ( AWG 28/30). : 7 . 40- Rainbow Ribbon Flat Cable AWG 28 (US $3.5 5 ) , , . , 22 AWG ( ).
BBC Micro:Bit
Microsoft MakeCode for Micro:Bit . , , .
Fischertechnik BBC Micro:Bit
— . , Google Translate , , . , , , ( ).
, ( , ) - (, ).
Micro:Bit. 5 10 , 9-10 (1/3 10 . Micro:Bit 3.3 ). . , 1/3 , . , pull-up pull-down Micro:Bit 13 , , , ( ). Micro:Bit, .
— 180° , . . (, , ), :
, . , . (, , ):
, , , . — , … — , . , 3D ( / 3D , ). , " " « » ( ) . . , 3D … , , .
, ( , ).
P.S. , Lego Duplo Lego Classic ( , , ), . — . … ( ). , .