FastCGI Cache é um sistema de armazenamento em cache de dados implementado no nível do servidor Nginx HTTP .
A vantagem do FastCGI Cache é que o Nginx retornará a resposta em cache ao usuário assim que receber uma solicitação, enquanto a camada de aplicativo não processará a solicitação HTTP de entrada se estiver no cache Nginx.
Usar o FastCGI Cache é uma ótima maneira de reduzir a carga em seu sistema.
Se o seu site tem páginas que raramente mudam ou o atraso na atualização das informações não é crítico, então FastCGI Cache é exatamente o que você precisa.
Como funciona o Nginx FastCGI Cache
Se uma solicitação HTTP chega ao servidor Nginx e algum tempo atrás a resposta à mesma solicitação foi colocada no cache, então o Nginx não enviará esta solicitação para executar PHP-FPM, em vez disso, o Nginx retornará o resultado do cache.

Suponha que tenhamos um sistema de controle baseado na web para um vôo à lua, que é escrito em PHP. Cada usuário deve inserir seu nome de usuário e senha para entrar no sistema e estar na página principal do aplicativo espacial.
, , . . . SQL- .
, , .
, , . .
, .
-. .
1 .
http {
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
server {
listen 80;
index index.php index.html;
error_log /var/log/nginx/;
access_log /var/log/nginx/
root /var/www/;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
location ~ \.php$ {
try_files $uri =404;
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_index index.php;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_script_name;
, fastcgi_cache_path http.
fastcgi_cache_path /tmp/nginx_cache levels=1:2 keys_zone=fastcgicache:10m inactive=70m max_size=512m;
/tmp/nginx_cache , . /tmp , . , , /tmp/nginx_cache .
— . levels=1:2. , 2. , , .
— . keys_zone=fastcgicache:10m , fastcgicache, 10m — . 10 80 000 . , .
— inactive=70m, , , , . , , inactive, , . inactive 10 .
max_size=512m — . . , Nginx .
. fastcgi_cache_key. http, server location.
server fastcgi_cache_key:
fastcgi_cache_key "$scheme$request_method$host$request_uri$cookie_codeAuth";
— $scheme
— $request_method
— $host
— $request_uri
— $cookie_codeAuth
. , .
, :
Nginx :
$scheme |
$request_method |
$host |
$request_uri |
$cookie_codeAuth | Cookie codeAuth, . Cookie -. |
, Cookie codeAuth. .
Nginx Cookie, $cookie_.
, HTTP- :
Cookie: codeAuth=a7e30fbb7f4513redfd22049c6b5dzme306f4e
"$scheme$request_method$host$request_uri$cookie_codeAuth" , , . $cookie_codeAuth .
server fastcgi_cache, fastcgi_cache_valid, fastcgi_cache_bypass fastcgi_no_cache location.
, $request_uri
.GET . $request_method
., GET . $query_string
3 ( server):
set $no_cache 0;
if ($request_method != GET) {
set $no_cache 1;
if ($query_string != "") {
set $no_cache 1;
if ($request_uri != "/") {
set $no_cache 1;
fastcgi_cache, fastcgi_cache_valid, fastcgi_cache_bypass fastcgi_no_cache location.
fastcgi_cache fastcgicache;
fastcgi_cache_valid 200 60m;
fastcgi_cache_bypass $no_cache;
fastcgi_no_cache $no_cache;
fastcgi_cache — , . fastcgi_cache_path.
fastcgi_cache_valid — HTTP- . 60 200.
fastcgi_cache_bypass — , . 0, .
fastcgi_no_cache — , . 0, .
sudo service nginx reload
, ?
. , $upstream_cache_status.
server add_header :
add_header x-fastcgi-cache $upstream_cache_status;
x-fastcgi-cache — .
$upstream_cache_status :
, HIT.
http {
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
fastcgi_cache_path /tmp/nginx_cache levels=1:2 keys_zone=fastcgicache:10m inactive=70m max_size=512m;
server {
listen 80;
index index.php index.html;
error_log /var/log/nginx/;
access_log /var/log/nginx/
root /var/www/;
fastcgi_cache_key "$scheme$request_method$host$request_uri$cookie_codeAuth";
set $no_cache 0;
if ($request_method != GET) {
set $no_cache 1;
if ($query_string != "") {
set $no_cache 1;
if ($request_uri != "/") {
set $no_cache 1;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
add_header x-fastcgi-cache $upstream_cache_status;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_cache fastcgicache;
fastcgi_cache_valid 200 60m;
fastcgi_cache_bypass $no_cache;
fastcgi_no_cache $no_cache;
try_files $uri =404;
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_index index.php;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_script_name;
Nginx :
sudo nginx -t
, , :
sudo service nginx reload
Apache Bench
Apache Bench -. C Apache Bench , . cookies.
Apache Bench Ununtu.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
Apache Bench
FastCGI Cache $no_cache 1.
sudo service nginx reload
. , Apache Bench :
ab -c 5 -n 100 -C "codeAuth=a7e30fbb7f4513redfd22049c6b5dzme306f4e"
100 , 5 . -C
, cookie codeAuth.
This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1843412 $>
Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation,
Benchmarking (be patient).....done
Server Software: nginx/1.14.0
Server Hostname:
Server Port: 80
Document Path: /
Document Length: 31134 bytes
Concurrency Level: 5
Time taken for tests: 2.978 seconds
Complete requests: 100
Failed requests: 0
Total transferred: 3150400 bytes
HTML transferred: 3113400 bytes
Requests per second: 33.58 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 148.878 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 29.776 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate: 1033.25 [Kbytes/sec] received
Connection Times (ms)
min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 23 29 5.0 27 50
Processing: 58 112 17.1 113 142
Waiting: 58 112 17.0 113 142
Total: 85 141 16.7 142 176
Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
50% 142
66% 149
75% 154
80% 159
90% 163
95% 166
98% 170
99% 176
100% 176 (longest request)
3 , 100 . — 33.58 .
Apache Bench
$no_cache 0.
sudo service nginx reload
ab -c 5 -n 100 -C "codeAuth=a7e30fbb7f4513redfd22049c6b5dzme306f4e"
This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1843412 $>
Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation,
Benchmarking (be patient).....done
Server Software: nginx/1.14.0
Server Hostname:
Server Port: 80
Document Path: /
Document Length: 31134 bytes
Concurrency Level: 5
Time taken for tests: 1.068 seconds
Complete requests: 100
Failed requests: 0
Total transferred: 3150104 bytes
HTML transferred: 3113400 bytes
Requests per second: 93.64 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 53.398 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 10.680 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate: 2880.52 [Kbytes/sec] received
Connection Times (ms)
min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 23 31 6.5 27 47
Processing: 14 17 7.8 16 93
Waiting: 14 17 7.8 16 93
Total: 37 47 10.1 44 122
Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
50% 44
66% 49
75% 52
80% 54
90% 56
95% 61
98% 63
99% 122
100% 122 (longest request)
1 , 100 . — 93.64 .
Uma descrição do ngx_http_fastcgi_module está disponível no link: http fastcgi_module.html
Vídeo sobre como configurar FastCGI Cache Nginx:
Documentação do Apache Bench: