Personalize de forma rápida e flexível a capacidade de observação usando linhas de registro canônicas

Em postagens sobre Habré, o tema da extração de madeira estrutural é mencionado com frequência, mas de passagem. Então, quando me deparei com este artigo detalhado de Brandur Leach do Stripe , decidi traduzi-lo e compartilhá-lo com a comunidade. 

Badoo . — , id , — . , — , .

Brandur Leach , . — Stripe , , — ( ).


— . , «». .

— , - « » . , .

Stripe , , , (canonical log lines). : , , . .

, , -, (operational visibility) , . API, -, PCI- (PCI vault) Stripe Dashboard.

API -, . API :

[2019-03-18 22:48:32.990] Request started

[2019-03-18 22:48:32.991] User authenticated

[2019-03-18 22:48:32.992] Rate limiting ran

[2019-03-18 22:48:32.998] Charge created

[2019-03-18 22:48:32.999] Request finished

, . «» : JSON, , «-» ( logfmt). , .


[2019-03-18 22:48:32.990] Request started httpmethod=POST httppath=/v1/charges requestid=req123

[2019-03-18 22:48:32.991] User authenticated authtype=apikey keyid=mk123 userid=usr123

[2019-03-18 22:48:32.992] Rate limiting ran rateallowed=true ratequota=100 rateremaining=99

[2019-03-18 22:48:32.998] Charge created chargeid=ch123 permissionsused=accountwrite team=acquiring

[2019-03-18 22:48:32.999] Request finished alloccount=9123 databasequeries=34 duration=0.009 httpstatus=200

( - , , ). , . 

, , API . Splunk :

“Request started” | head

, - API:

“Rate limiting ran” allowed=false


“Request finished” earliest=-1h | stats count p50(duration) p95(duration) p99(duration)

, Graphite StatsD, . , , , - . .

, — , . , , HTTP- :

“Request started” | stats count by http_path

API 500 ( ), , , - :

“Request finished” status=500 | stats count p50(duration) p95(duration) p99(duration)

, . , . , .


, , , . , (rate limiting) API, : « ?» - , .

, . - . — . , , .

. : ( ) , . :

[2019-03-18 22:48:32.999] canonical-log-line alloc_count=9123 auth_type=api_key database_queries=34 duration=0.009 http_method=POST http_path=/v1/charges http_status=200 key_id=mk_123 permissions_used=account_write rate_allowed=true rate_quota=100 rate_remaining=99 request_id=req_123 team=acquiring user_id=usr_123

, :

  • HTTP-, ;

  • , ( API, ), API-;

  • (rate limiters), ;

  • , ;

  • , .

, — , IETF URL.

. «» , , , . , , , . . , , , .


canonical-log-line rate_allowed=false | stats count by user_id

, , , . , , , .

. charges

, 4, . , , . :

canonical-log-line user=usr_123 http_method=POST http_path=/v1/charges http_status!=4* | timechart p50(duration) p95(duration) p99(duration)

Duração das solicitações de API para os percentis 50, 95 e 99 (gerados em tempo real a partir dos registros)
API 50-, 95- 99- ( )


, , .

API Stripe middleware . , , , middleware .


class CanonicalLineLogger
  def call(env)
    # Call into the core application and inner middleware
    status, headers, body =

    # Emit the canonical line using response status and other
    # information embedded in the request environment
    log_canonical_line(status, env)

    # Return results upstream
    [status, headers, body]

, . ensure ( finally Ruby ) , - . begin/rescue ( try/catch), . , ( ).

. -, , — , . , , .

Stripe , . , , , . , Google Protocol Buffers.

API Kafka. , S3. Presto Redshift, , .

, . , Go, , API-:

Usando versões Go (dados obtidos do arquivo de linhas de registro canônicas que entraram em nosso repositório)
Go ( , )

, SQL, , . 


    DATE_TRUNC('week', created) AS week,
    REGEXP_SUBSTR(language_version, '\\d*\\.\\d*') AS major_minor,
FROM events.canonical_log_lines
WHERE created > CURRENT_DATE - interval '2 months'
    AND language = 'go'

Google Protocol Buffers , Stripe . Developer Dashboard, API- .

Painel de controle do desenvolvedor exibe o número de solicitações de API bem-sucedidas para a conta Stripe (dados gerados a partir de linhas de registro canônicas arquivadas em S3)
Developer Dashboard API Stripe- ( , S3)

. MapReduce , S3, . , Google Protocol Buffer, .

, . , .

. , .

, . Kubernetes Elasticsearch, GCP — Google Stackdriver Logging. AWS CloudWatch. Fluentd . , : , , .

, - . , , . Kafka , . - Redis. Redshift BigQuery. , .

, .

  • . .

  • , , .

  • Kafka , .

  • . Stripe Developer Dashboard.

— , , , . , , .

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