A tradução foi preparada especialmente para futuros alunos do curso "Desenvolvedor em Spring Framework" .
( 9300 ). . Github.

: " Spring Bean , ". , . properties-.
1. , , :
package your.package;
public @interface InjectDynamicObject {
2. , :
public class CustomerServiceImpl {
private Customer dynamicCustomerWithAspect;
public Customer getDynamicCustomerWithAspect() {
return this.dynamicCustomerWithAspect;
3. Pointcut Advise, , 2:
public class DynamicObjectAspect {
// This comes from the property file
private String object;
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
InjectDynamicObject * *(..))")
public void beanAnnotatedWithInjectDynamicObject() {
public Object adviceBeanAnnotatedWithInjectDynamicObject(
ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
// Create the bean or object depends on the property file
Object createdObject = applicationContext.getBean(object);
return createdObject;
4. , @InjectDynamicObject. properties-. Customer: CustomerOneImpl
public class CustomerOneImpl implements Customer {
public String getName() {
return "Customer One";
5. :
public class CustomerServiceImplTest {
private CustomerServiceImpl customerService;
public void testGetDynamicCustomerWithAspect() {
// Dynamic object creation
logger.info("Dynamic Customer with Aspect: " +
, , . AspectJ, Spring. Map . eXTra Client. PluginsLocatorManager. Spring Map (String) .
"… Map , String. Map , — ".
. Spring.
public class CustomerServiceImpl {
// We inject the customer implementations into a Map
private Map<String, Customer> dynamicCustomerWithMap;
// This comes from the property file as a key for the Map
private String object;
public Customer getDynamicCustomerWithMap() {
return this.dynamicCustomerWithMap.get(object);
" Spring Framework" .