Noções básicas sobre acesso a atributos em Python

Uma tradução do artigo foi publicada especificamente para futuros alunos do curso " Desenvolvedor Python. Profissional" .

, , Python ? , Lisp- , , ( Lisp ), Python , .

? , Python ? . -, , Python, / , - . -, , .

, , Python WebAssembly API bare bones C, , .

, , Python. , , , , . CPython , ( CPython 3.8.3, ).

, , , . , , , , , . 

, :


, – . , :

>>> def example(): 
...     obj.attr
>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis(example)
  2           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (obj)
              2 LOAD_ATTR                1 (attr)
              4 POP_TOP
              6 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
              8 RETURN_VALUE

LOADATTR. , , conames[i].

CPython Python/ceval.c. switch, . , LOADATTR:

            PyObject *name = GETITEM(names, oparg);
            PyObject *owner = TOP();
            PyObject *res = PyObject_GetAttr(owner, name);
            if (res == NULL)
                goto error;

– , . – PyObject_GetAttr(), .

getattr(), , CPython. Python/bltinmodule.c, Python, , . «getattr» , , «getattr» «builtin_getattr()»

static PyObject *
builtin_getattr(PyObject *self, PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t nargs)
    PyObject *v, *name, *result;

    if (!_PyArg_CheckPositional("getattr", nargs, 2, 3))
        return NULL;

    v = args[0];
    name = args[1];
    if (!PyUnicode_Check(name)) {
                        "getattr(): attribute name must be string");
        return NULL;
    if (nargs > 2) {
        if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(v, name, &result) == 0) {
            PyObject *dflt = args[2];
            return dflt;
    else {
        result = PyObject_GetAttr(v, name);
    return result;

, , , , getattr(), PyObjectGetAttr()

? , , «» obj.attr getattr(obj, "attr"). , PyObjectGetAttr(), , , , Python.


, , , obj.attr getattr(obj, "attr"). , CPython. , Python , , , , . «.», , , , .

getattr() . -, , , . -, str, TypeError (, , ). 

def getattr(obj: Any, attr: str, default: Any) -> Any:
    if not isinstance(attr, str):
        raise TypeError("getattr(): attribute name must be string")

    ...  # Fill in with PyObject_GetAttr().


. – getattribute(), . – getattr(), AttributeError. ( ) , .

Python , . , , «»: – , – . , - type, : type(obj)

(method resolution order, MRO). . , Python Dylan C3. Python MRO type(obj).mro().

, . , , , - . CPython , struct . , , , . 

getattr() getattribute() getattr() , CPython , . , .

# Based on
from __future__ import annotations
import builtins

NOTHING = builtins.object()  # C: NULL

def getattr(obj: Any, attr: str, default: Any = NOTHING) -> Any:
    """Implement attribute access via  __getattribute__ and __getattr__."""
    # Python/bltinmodule.c:builtin_getattr
    if not isinstance(attr, str):
        raise TypeError("getattr(): attribute name must be string")

    obj_type_mro = type(obj).mro()
    attr_exc = NOTHING
    for base in obj_type_mro:
        if "__getattribute__" in base.__dict__:
                return base.__dict__["__getattribute__"](obj, attr)
            except AttributeError as exc:
                attr_exc = exc
    # Objects/typeobject.c:slot_tp_getattr_hook
    # It is cheating to do this here as CPython actually rebinds the tp_getattro
    # slot with a wrapper that handles __getattr__() when present.
    for base in obj_type_mro:
        if "__getattr__" in base.__dict__:
            return base.__dict__["__getattr__"](obj, attr)

    if default is not NOTHING:
        return default
    elif attr_exc is not NOTHING:
        raise attr_exc
        raise AttributeError(f"{self.__name__!r} object has no attribute {attr!r}")

, getattr()


, getattr(), , , Python , getattribute() . object.getattribute().

, object.getattribute() . , – , . , , , Python, , : , classmethod staticmethod – .

: (non-data). get , . set del, . – , classmethod staticmethod — . 

, , – . , dict, .

, , . , , , , , . 

, , , . , :

  • ;

  • ;

  • ;

  • .

, - , , , , , . , - . , self.attr = val init() . , , , - . , , , , , .

def _mro_getattr(type_: Type, attr: str) -> Any:
    """Get an attribute from a type based on its MRO."""
    for base in type_.mro():
        if attr in base.__dict__:
            return base.__dict__[attr]
        raise AttributeError(f"{type_.__name__!r} object has no attribute {attr!r}")

class object:
    def __getattribute__(self, attr: str, /) -> Any:
        """Attribute access."""
        # Objects/object.c:PyObject_GenericGetAttr
        self_type = type(self)
        if not isinstance(attr, str):
            raise TypeError(
                f"attribute name must be string, not {type(attr).__name__!r}"

        type_attr = descriptor_type_get = NOTHING
            type_attr = _mro_getattr(self_type, attr)
        except AttributeError:
            pass  # Hopefully an instance attribute.
            type_attr_type = type(type_attr)
                descriptor_type_get = _mro_getattr(type_attr_type, "__get__")
            except AttributeError:
                pass  # At least a class attribute.
                # At least a non-data descriptor.
                for base in type_attr_type.mro():
                    if "__set__" in base.__dict__ or "__delete__" in base.__dict__:
                        # Data descriptor.
                        return descriptor_type_get(type_attr, self, self_type)

        if attr in self.__dict__:
            # Instance attribute.
            return self.__dict__[attr]
        elif descriptor_type_get is not NOTHING:
            # Non-data descriptor.
            return descriptor_type_get(type_attr, self, self_type)
        elif type_attr is not NOTHING:
            # Class attribute.
            return type_attr
            raise AttributeError(f"{self.__name__!r} object has no attribute {attr!r}")


, Python . , , , . Python, , .

, Python , «». Python 3, , , , .

«syntactic sugar» . .

"Python Developer. Professional".

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