Primeiro, sobre o problema / tarefa:
Tendo começado a escrever outro plug-in de depurador para a plataforma retro no IDA Pro (secretamente: será SNES), me deparei com o seguinte conjunto que precisava ser amigo:
- O kernel do emulador é escrito em C ++ e compilado em uma DLL
- O emulador GUI é escrito em C # e usa um kernel DLL para controlar a emulação
- IDA Pro, , C++ DLL ( C++)
- IDA ( , , ..) , IDA .
( ), :
1) LoadLibrary("emu_core.dll")
, GetProcAddress(core, "Pause")
, , , .
: — ( , GUI )! , , , , DLL-, , , UI, .
, DLL- IDA, . .
2) - -, , — GUI, RPC-.
, :
- IDA (, , reset), .. , , , .
- . , , , , RPC .
COM. , , RPC . , , WinAPI (.. C/C++) — C#.
.. GUI , . COM-.
1) , COM, [ComVisible(true)]
. , - , ( , , )
2) , , ( IDA). ( ComVisible
[Guid("7710855F-D37B-464B-B645-972BAB2706D4")] // Visual Studio GUID-
public interface IDebugApi
3) , DebugCOM
public class DebugCOM : IDebugApi
4) ( ) (Class Library
), . DebugCOM.dll
5) tlbexp.exe Visual Studio ( Developer Command Prompt
) DLL TLB. , ..
tlbexp DebugCOM.dll /out:DebugCOM.tlb
COM, :
Assembly exported to 'DebugCOM.tlb'
, . :
TlbExp : warning TX801311B0 : Type library exporter warning processing 'AddressInfo.Type, DebugCOM'. Warning: Non COM visible value type 'SnesMemoryType' is being referenced either from the type currently being exported or from one of its base types.
TlbExp : warning TX801311B0 : Type library exporter warning processing 'InteropBreakpoint.MemoryType, DebugCOM'. Warning: Non COM visible value type 'SnesMemoryType' is being referenced either from the type currently being exported or from one of its base types.
TlbExp : warning TX801311B0 : Type library exporter warning processing 'IDebugApi.GetMemorySize(type), DebugCOM'. Warning: Non COM visible value type 'SnesMemoryType' is being referenced either from the type currently being exported or from one of its base types.
TlbExp : warning TX801311B0 : Type library exporter warning processing 'IDebugApi.GetMemoryValue(type), DebugCOM'. Warning: Non COM visible value type 'SnesMemoryType' is being referenced either from the type currently being exported or from one of its base types.
TlbExp : warning TX801311B0 : Type library exporter warning processing 'IDebugApi.SetMemoryValue(type), DebugCOM'. Warning: Non COM visible value type 'SnesMemoryType' is being referenced either from the type currently being exported or from one of its base types.
TlbExp : warning TX801311B0 : Type library exporter warning processing 'IDebugApi.SetMemoryValues(type), DebugCOM'. Warning: Non COM visible value type 'SnesMemoryType' is being referenced either from the type currently being exported or from one of its base types.
TlbExp : warning TX801311B0 : Type library exporter warning processing 'IDebugApi.SetMemoryState(type), DebugCOM'. Warning: Non COM visible value type 'SnesMemoryType' is being referenced either from the type currently being exported or from one of its base types.
TlbExp : warning TX801311B0 : Type library exporter warning processing 'IDebugApi.GetMemoryState(type), DebugCOM'. Warning: Non COM visible value type 'SnesMemoryType' is being referenced either from the type currently being exported or from one of its base types.
TlbExp : warning TX801311B0 : Type library exporter warning processing 'IDebugApi.GetMemoryAccessCounts(type), DebugCOM'. Warning: Non COM visible value type 'SnesMemoryType' is being referenced either from the type currently being exported or from one of its base types.
TlbExp : warning TX801311B0 : Type library exporter warning processing 'IDebugApi.GetMemoryAccessCounts2(type), DebugCOM'. Warning: Non COM visible value type 'SnesMemoryType' is being referenced either from the type currently being exported or from one of its base types.
, SnesMemoryType
. .
6) TLB- (File->View TypeLib...
) ComView. :
File->Save as...
7) IDL- C++ , , , DebugCOM
8) IDL- Compile Ctrl+F7
. , : DebugCOM_h.h
. ( ), .
, C# , . C/C++. C#.
9) - .h
, , . :
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "DebugCOM_h.h"
#include "DebugCOM_i.c"
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (FAILED(hr))
std::cout << "CoInitializeEx failure: " << std::hex << std::showbase << hr << std::endl;
hr = ::CLSIDFromString(L"{6AF9F5DD-6626-4E35-BEF4-29A73E18A739}", &CLSID_server);
if (FAILED(hr))
std::cout << "CLSIDFromString failure: " << std::hex << std::showbase << hr << std::endl;
CComPtr<IDebugApi> server;
hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_server, nullptr, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, __uuidof(IDebugApi), (void**)&server);
if (FAILED(hr))
std::cout << "CoCreateInstance failure: " << std::hex << std::showbase << hr << std::endl;
DebugState state = {};
hr = server->GetState(&state);
if (FAILED(hr))
std::cout << "GetState failure: " << std::hex << std::showbase << hr << std::endl;
std::cout << "PC Address: " << std::hex << std::showbase << state.Cpu.PC << std::endl;
return 0;
- Inprocess
- Out-of-process
, COM , . , COM GUI, IDA.
, COM- . , , , -. .. , COM .
, out-of-process COM. , GitHub " " : .
Como resultado, consegui tornar os aplicativos IDA Pro e .NET Framework amigos com as ferramentas do Windows, sem atrapalhar as bicicletas de meus próprios protocolos RPC. Além disso, resolvi o problema de ter apenas uma cópia do kernel do emulador e compartilhar seu estado entre vários aplicativos.