10 canções sobre TI: de Stallman à fonte

Eu me interesso tanto por TI quanto por música, então sempre prestei atenção em sua interseção: canções de especialistas em TI. Às vezes, são paródias de sucessos famosos com letras reformuladas, às vezes composições completamente originais. Alguns deles são notáveis ​​por seu autor (o mais famoso é Richard Stallman), outros por seu formato (o mais fora do padrão é o canto em código).

, — . : ?

, , IT. — , , ! , .

— The Free Software Song (1991)

« »

, , . 1991- , , — , .

, OGG-, gnu.org . YouTube. . , , — , , .


«When we have enough free software

At our call, hackers, at our call,

We'll kick out those dirty licenses

Ever more, hackers, ever more»

DOS (1995/1997/2003)

DDT «»

, — -. 90- , . 1997- , — , . 2003- .

, . , - , «» — .

, , - . - , - — IT.


«DOS ,

, C:



, , , »

James Dempsey — Model View Controller (2003)

2003- Apple WWDC, : MVC.

: IT-, , MVC . : «This was so epic, I actually learnt what MVC is from that song. I wish I could learn all programming this way!» , «Head First Design Patterns». , !


«Model objects represent your applications raison d’etre

Custom classes that contain data logic and et cetera

You create custom classes in your app’s problem domain,

Then you can choose to reuse them with all the views,

But the model objects stay the same.»

Monzy — So Much Drama in the PhD (2005)

2005- LiveJournal : «this is the best fucking thing I've ever heard». ? , computer science -, . : GC , .

: , , , . Versus, , — , . -, , , .

, — «kill -9»). , , «So Much Drama in the Ph.D» — «IT-» MC++. , Genius: - , .


«Your mom circulates like a public key,

Servicing more requests than HTTP

She keeps all her ports open like Windows ME,

Oh, there's so much drama in the PhD»

Lady Java — JavaZone (2010)

, « » JavaZone. , , , , «».

-, (« »), . , , - .

-, « » - . - , Java, .

Java- - «Java Life» Oracle, — . , -, : « , ? , ».

, , Java- , .


«Some people prefer some other languages

And that's okay if you're retarded, I guess

They can go home with their .NET mates

And jerk off to a picture of William Henry Gates»

Devs, Blackberry Is Going to Keep On Loving You (2011)

REO Speedwagon «Keep On Loving You»

. BlackBerry , Android iOS , . BlackBerry 10, : .

: - «, , BlackBerry 10 ».

: , , . , , BlackBerry 10 .

, — , .


«And we're gonna keep on loving you

Our updated SDK is really cool

The APIs complete

We just want to keep on loving you»

Paint it Green (2015)

The Rolling Stones «Paint It Black»

, Linux — SUSE. SUSEcon , - «SUSE Parody Music Videos», The Beatles .

. , SUSE , , . .

, «SUSE», «» «», IT, . , . , - «What Does the Fox Say», ( Suse) — -, ? «I'm replacing all of our redhat with suse» — , .


«I see a server and I want it painted green

Chameleons everywhere, I want them to turn green

I see my friends go by, chained to proprietary code

I have to shake my head as their frustration grows»

- — (2016)

, , — - «» . , — , :

«C++ C# — :

, »

, , — , IT- - .

, : JUG Ru Group, 2014 - Java- JPoint Joker.

« » : 60 1. , .


« ! !





20 — »

— Akka Stream Rap (2017)

, « Akka Streams», «, »: , . , , , Akka Streams, .

, , , : , , . , DotNext Akka Streams, .

, . , , : « , ?»


«This is the Drop

That removes from the Zip

That combines from the Balance

That splits the FilterNot

That selects from the Merge

That collects from Broadcast

That forms the MapAsync

That maps from the Source

That feeds the Akka Stream»

Dylan Beattie — Fizzbuzz (2020)

. , , .

-, IT-. , DotNext ( Pink Floyd «Another Brick in the Wall»). , , :

, ,

DotNext, , . : , , Lady Java ? ?

. - IT-, . , - («, , IT-»), . , .

, «You Give REST a Bad Name» — , API. , : « , , ». , «You promised me JSON, then sent XML» — , , . : «You promised me heaven and put me through hell».

, , : , « ».

, , . 2018- Rockstar, , -. 2020- «The Art of Code» — , - , . , : «FizzBuzz» Rockstar.

2020- , DotNext JPoint — , . , , NDC London ( 56:40):

, ( « »). -, . : , , YouTube . , , ? , .

— . - : (DotNext, Joker), , DevOops Mobius. , - , . — .

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