Eric Berne estava convencido de que as pessoas constantemente jogam - independentemente de sexo, idade, posição social e caráter. O homem Ă© uma criatura social - e nossa sociedade Ă© construĂda sobre interações de jogos.
Portanto, nĂŁo Ă© surpreendente que o gĂŞnero RPG tenha ganhado tanta popularidade - uma pessoa pode desempenhar quase qualquer papel social que Ă© amplamente inacessĂvel para ela na vida cotidiana. A mecânica de jogo agora Ă© usada em muitas áreas da vida - da educação e treinamento Ă psicoterapia, das redes sociais Ă s atividades de marketing de redes de varejo. Mesmo em nosso centro de treinamento, Slurm Ă© usado em alguns intensivos - onde Ă© Ăştil para aprender e consolidar o material - ferramentas lĂşdicas e competitivas. Por exemplo, como fizemos em Slurm SRE em fevereiro deste ano.
Sim, e Ă s vezes gostamos de brincar no nosso tempo livre.
- , « » , . «Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous» Owlcat Games.
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, Mortal Kombat, Civilization, Alias – , . . , - Mortal Kombat. , , Civilization. , Alias.
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– D&D d20 . , , … 1975 .
Boot Hill, . , , , , - . Boot Hill NPC, . NPC - , . NPC Gambler (), – .
? Gambler , . , , , , . Gambler .
While most characters need no special rules, the gambler needs some special attention. They have a special ability that other characters don't have, the ability to manipulate cards (cheat). To determine this ability, roll percentile dice until a score of 50 or less is rolled. This is his ability to avoid being caught cheating. When normally playing cards, a real deck may be used, but if a gambler is involved, use percentile dice. High roll wins, with a gambler gaining a +15 on his die rolls. If a gambler wins three times in a row, his opponents check to see if they can catch him cheating by rolling percentile dice. Any score equal to or less than the gambler's cheat ability score indicates that the gambler has been caught. What the opponents do then is up to them!
, – D&D. D&D /, , -. , , . 1976 , , “How to Use Non-Prime-Requisite Character Attributes” Wesley D. Ives. , . , , , .
- Roll d100, add the ability score, and then use this result to determine which die to roll in step 2. On a result of 1-20 roll a d4; on 21-40 roll d6; on 41-60 roll d8; 61-80: d10; 81-100: d12. To cope with results higher than 100, create a house rule for this house rule.
- Roll the die determined in step 1 and multiply the number by the attribute. This result becomes the chance of success.
- Roll a d100. If the result is less than or equal to the probability from step 2, you succeed!
1978 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook Dig (). D&D , , , dexterity (), , , , .
Any creature at the edge (1’) of such a pit uses its dexterity score as a saving throw to avoid falling into the hole, with a score equal to or less than the dexterity meaning that a fall was avoided.
1989 Player’s Handbook . , «» , . , . — .
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Neverwinter Nights, SW:KOTOR, Pathfinder: Kingmaker .
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. Mass Effect (1,2,3) -, Bypassing Hacking, .
, , Bypassing, Decryption / Electronics. , , . -.
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– Skyrim. , , – - . , .
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P.S. 19 DevOps Tools&Cheats — DevOps, . DevOps , .