Usando adaptadores de rede baratos de 10/40 Gbps com interface HP FlexibleLOM

1/ . HP 764285-B21, Mellanox ConnectX-3 Pro, QSFP+ (DAC). 10 40 / Ethernet 56 / InfiniBand. HP FlexibleLOM, PCIe x8, PCIe HP. - Tobias Schramm HP FlexibleLOM PCIe. 8 . PCIe:

lspci | grep Mellanox
23:00.0 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27520 Family [ConnectX-3 Pro]

Ethernet Mellanox ( Ubuntu 16.04 20.04, Windows ) Ethernet . , - . dmesg , SR-IOV, .

Mellanox firmware tools . --oem (sudo ./install --oem), .


mlxfwmanager -d 23:00.0
Querying Mellanox devices firmware ...

Device #1:

  Device Type:      ConnectX3Pro
  Part Number:      764285-B21_Ax
  Description:      HP InfiniBand FDR/Ethernet 10Gb/40Gb 2-port 544+FLR-QSFP Adapter
  PSID:             HP_1380110017
  PCI Device Name:  23:00.0
  Port1 MAC:        24be05c557c1
  Port2 MAC:        24be05c557c2
  Versions:         Current        Available     
     FW             2.42.5700      N/A           

  Status:           No matching image found

... :

flint -d 23:00.0 ri original_firmware.bin
flint -d 23:00.0 dc original_config.ini

[HCA] sriov_en , new_config.ini, . , eth_xfi_en - Ethernet :

eth_xfi_en = 1
sriov_en = 0

.mlx ( ConnectX-3 Pro), Mellanox, , , , , . 2.36:


fw-ConnectX3Pro-rel.mlx, mlxburn:

mlxburn -fw fw-ConnectX3Pro-rel.mlx -conf new_config.ini -wrimage new_firmware.bin


flint -i new_firmware.bin verify

     FS2 failsafe image. Start address: 0x0. Chunk size 0x80000:

     NOTE: The addresses below are contiguous logical addresses. Physical addresses on
           flash may be different, based on the image start address and chunk size

     /0x00000038-0x0000065b (0x000624)/ (BOOT2) - OK
     /0x0000065c-0x00002b9b (0x002540)/ (BOOT2) - OK
     /0x00002b9c-0x00003b27 (0x000f8c)/ (Configuration) - OK
     /0x00003b28-0x00003b6b (0x000044)/ (GUID) - OK
     /0x00003b6c-0x00003cc3 (0x000158)/ (Image Info) - OK
     /0x00003cc4-0x00010fc3 (0x00d300)/ (DDR) - OK
     /0x00010fc4-0x00012027 (0x001064)/ (DDR) - OK
     /0x00012028-0x000123f7 (0x0003d0)/ (DDR) - OK
     /0x000123f8-0x0005008b (0x03dc94)/ (DDR) - OK
     /0x0005008c-0x00054f0f (0x004e84)/ (DDR) - OK
     /0x00054f10-0x00059103 (0x0041f4)/ (DDR) - OK
     /0x00059104-0x00059bfb (0x000af8)/ (DDR) - OK
     /0x00059bfc-0x0008915f (0x02f564)/ (DDR) - OK
     /0x00089160-0x0008cd0b (0x003bac)/ (DDR) - OK
     /0x0008cd0c-0x000a1d7f (0x015074)/ (DDR) - OK
     /0x000a1d80-0x000a1e87 (0x000108)/ (DDR) - OK
     /0x000a1e88-0x000a6a8b (0x004c04)/ (DDR) - OK
     /0x000a6a8c-0x000a827b (0x0017f0)/ (Configuration) - OK
     /0x000a827c-0x000a82ef (0x000074)/ (Jump addresses) - OK
     /0x000a82f0-0x000a8e03 (0x000b14)/ (FW Configuration) - OK
     /0x00000000-0x000a8e03 (0x0a8e04)/ (Full Image) - OK

-I- FW image verification succeeded. Image is bootable.

... :

flint -d 23:00.0 -i new_firmware.bin -allow_psid_change burn

    Current FW version on flash:  2.42.5700
    New FW version:               2.36.5000

    Note: The new FW version is older than the current FW version on flash.

 Do you want to continue ? (y/n) [n] : y

Burning FS2 FW image without signatures - OK  
Restoring signature                     - OK


mlx4_core . boot options:

mlxconfig -d 23:00.0 set BOOT_OPTION_ROM_EN_P1=false
mlxconfig -d 23:00.0 set BOOT_OPTION_ROM_EN_P2=false
mlxconfig -d 23:00.0 set LEGACY_BOOT_PROTOCOL_P1=0
mlxconfig -d 23:00.0 set LEGACY_BOOT_PROTOCOL_P2=0

... e removeu o BootROM:

flint -d 23:00.0 --allow_rom_change drom

Além disso, se você não planeja usar interfaces InfiniBand, pode forçar ambas as portas para o modo Ethernet:

mlxconfig -d 23:00.0 set LINK_TYPE_P1=2
mlxconfig -d 23:00.0 set LINK_TYPE_P2=2

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