Spot dança, chuta bravamente, guinchos e riquixĂĄ Adam Savage. Esses robĂŽs tĂȘm Ăłtimas relaçÔes pĂșblicas, mas o que vocĂȘ realmente sabe sobre suas capacidades?
Vamos descobrir como o Spot funciona, como gerenciå-los, como desenvolver para eles. E o mais importante, por que empresas sérias deveriam comprar robÎs de quatro patas por US $ 75.000 cada.
RP acidental

Boston Dynamics , . , (Marc Raibert) â , .
Boston Dynamics YouTube. , .
. : «, YouTube».
. Spot , , . , , - .
, Spot , , . , â .

â , . , , â , , . , , .
Boston Dynamics , . , , .

, , 3D-.

, 15 110 BigDog, Spot â , .
Spot â 110 , 84 . Spot â . . , , . 5,76 / â .

12 â , . , .
Spot , , , , 30 , .

iFixit Spot, Boston Dynamics . , . Boston Dynamics , . .
, Spot, « », , , , . Intel Core I7, .

. â , . .
Spot , -20 45.
Spot - 600 - 400 . 2 . 90 4 .

Spot , , . , , .

Spot , . , 360- . - , 4 .

, Spot , â . â . Spot , .
Spot TLS 1.2 1.3. RJ-45, Wi-Fi 802.11. Spot Wi-Fi .

50 . , Boston Dynamics Spot LTE-.
YouTube- Spot , . , Boston Dynamics .
Spot Spot Explorer. 7- , Nintendo Switch Xbox.

Boston Dynamics , Aliexpress JXD S192K: â 1920x1200, Rockchip 1,8 , 4 , 64 10 000 .
Android 5.1 , Boston Dynamics Android 8.1 .

Spot , . - -, . , , Google Street View.
, . , Spot . , .

, . Spot . , 30 , . , Spot . , , .
Spot . .
Spot â .
Autowalk , , . , . , .
Spot , â . 2 . , , . Spot , .

Boston Dynamics â , QR-. . , .
Spot Explorer. , .
2020 Boston Dynamics Spot 2.0. Spot . , , , . Spot , .
Spot - , .

, . 14 . , , DB25. ( 150 ) .
Spot , , . Boston Dynamics â Spot « », . .

â , Boston Dynamics .
, Spot Cam â Sony IMX290. , . Spot CAM+ â , pan-tilt-zoom- 2 30- .
LIDAR Faro Trek

LIDAR Spot .
Boston Dynamics Velodyne VLP-16, 100 3 . , FARO Spot FARO FocusS.
Spot CORE Core AI
, Spot .

CORE â Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 LTS . Intel Core i5 , 16 DDR4 SSD 512 . , Spot, .

â Core AI. CPU Intel Xeon E3-1515M V5, 32 , 480 SSD Nvidia Quatro P5000 IP67 -20 45C.
Spot ARM
Spot â . Spot Arm 8 4 .

, 2021 . , Spot .
Spot Arm, , « ». , . , Spot Arm Spot. , Spot .
, , , , , .
â . Spot . Boston Dynamics 71 . , , Boston Dynamics : Spot , .
Spot â , . , , â BigDog, , .
«Spot », â The Verge (Sam Seifert), Boston Dynamics, â « , , Spot ».

Spot â , .
, . , . . .

, , Spot , .
, Spot Three Ds: dirty, dull, and dangerous â , . Boston Dynamics , .
2019 Boston Dynamics 150 Spot . : « ». .
Spot . , . , - . , , , .
21 BIM (Building Information Modeling). , , BIM , .

, , . â . ⊠, , .
Spot . 24 7, .
, Pomerleau, Spot 5 000 , 45 000 .

. Spot . Boston Dynamics .
Ford, . . , Ford « ». (Mark Goderis), Ford, , 300 000 . Spot .
, â , , . , AkerBP Spot FPSO . .

â . . , , , . , .
. , . , . â 20 - .
75 000 â . , Spot . , , , .
, , .
, Spot . â . Cirque du Soleil Spot , .
Spot . , (MIT) Spot .

Spot â , : 670, 810 880 . , , , .
, , Spot, . 75 000 .
Formant, -, Spot .
Boston Dynamics Spot . Github .
SDK , Spot . , API Boston Dynamics Python.
, . Spot Webots , , Gazebo. , .

Existem mais de duzentos Spot em operação no mundo agora. Boston Dynamics esperava construir mais 1.000 robĂŽs em 2020. A pandemia interrompeu o cronograma, mas a produção continua. Assim, em quatro pernas mecĂąnicas, o presente futuro se insinua em nossa realidade. Ă possĂvel que as habilidades de desenvolvimento Spot sejam em breve muito procuradas na prĂĄtica.
Se vocĂȘ gostou deste artigo e quer mais, dĂȘ uma olhada no meu blog em e no canal de telegramas GeeksNote .