Como escrever regras para Checkmarx e não enlouquecer

Olá, Habr!

Em seu trabalho, nossa empresa frequentemente lida com várias ferramentas de análise de código estático (SAST). Fora da caixa, todos eles funcionam na média. Claro, tudo depende do projeto e das tecnologias utilizadas nele, bem como de quão bem essas tecnologias são cobertas pelas regras de análise. Na minha opinião, um dos critérios mais importantes na escolha de uma ferramenta SAST é a possibilidade de personalizá-la para as especificidades das suas aplicações, nomeadamente, escrever e alterar regras de análise ou, como são frequentemente chamadas, Consultas Personalizadas.

Na maioria das vezes usamos Checkmarx - um analisador de código muito interessante e poderoso. Neste artigo, vou compartilhar minha experiência de escrever regras de análise para ele.


, Checkmarx. 2019 : «Hello, Checkmarx!». Checkmarx SAST .

, CxQL (Checkmarx Query Language) .

, , - . “ ”, , Checkmarx. . , , , . , , “ Custom Queries ” - . , !

, , . , .

  1. ( ). . . .

    Configuração predefinida na interface Checkmarx
    Preset Checkmarx
  2. CxAuditor. , Checkmarx. : .

    Interface CxAudit
  3. Checkmarx , . , , . , , .

    Separação de regras por idioma
  4. “Executable” “Non-Executable” ( ). , , . , “Executable” UI, “Non-Executable” ( - ).

    Determinar o tipo de regra ao criar
  5. / . , , , “Override“. , . “Preset Manager” . , , , .

    Um exemplo de uma nova regra na interface do Preset Manager
    Preset Manager
  6. “” , . , , , . , , , .

  7. :

  • -

  • (Team) - .

  • -

    Determinar o nível em que a regra será aplicada


, , , .

-     (list2 - list1)
*   (list1 * list2)
+   (list1 + list2)

& ( ) -     (list1 & list2),   (list1 * list2)
| ( ) -      (list1 | list2)

   :  ^  &&  ||  %  / 

, Checkmarx (, , , ..). , All. , searchMe, , , :

result = All;

//     ,     “searchMe“
result = All.FindByName("searchMe");

, , - ( groovy Android), :

result = AllMembers.All.FindByName("searchMe");


, :

//   second   first.
//   -  (second)      (first).
result = first.DataInfluencedBy(second);

//   first   second.
//   -  (first)    (second).
result = first.DataInfluencingOn(second);


, ( , ..), . , , LinePragma :

CxList methods = Find_Methods();

//       scope
CxList scope = methods.FindByName("scope");

string current_filename = scope.GetFirstGraph().LinePragma.FileName;

//    - ,   
int current_line = scope.GetFirstGraph().LinePragma.Line;

CxList inFile = All.FindByFileName(current_filename);

CxList inLine = inFile.FindByPosition(current_line);

, FileName , GetFirstGraph.

CxQL result, . , . , return- .


//   foo
CxList libraries = All.FindByName("foo");

, result - , :

//   foo
CxList libraries = All.FindByName("foo");

// ,    
result = libraries

result = All.FindByName("foo");

Checkmarx . . , , :

CxList methods = Find_Methods();

//    foo. 
//   false ,      
result = methods.FindByShortName("foo", false);


, , . , :

//  -
CxList toLog = All.FindByShortName("log");

cxLog.WriteDebugMessage (“number of DOM elements =” + All.Count);

, , . , - result , . , , result . , , .

- return . , , :

//  -
CxList toLog = All.FindByShortName("log");

return toLog

result = All.DataInfluencedBy(toLog)

, CxAudit ( ). , , Windows, BSOD , . , . :

Checkmarx 8.6:

// ,    ,    
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [CxDB].[dbo].LoggedinUser WHERE [ClientType] = 6;
//  - ,        ,   
DELETE FROM [CxDB].[dbo].LoggedinUser WHERE [ClientType] = 6;

Checkmarx 8.6:

// ,    ,    
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM LoggedinUser WHERE (ClientType = 'Audit');
//  - ,        ,   
DELETE FROM [CxDB].[dbo].LoggedinUser WHERE (ClientType = 'Audit');

. CxQL, , - .

, Custom Queries . , , , .

, :

: Flow , .

: , Checkmarx Flow , . ReduceFlow. Flow:

//    Flow
result = result.ReduceFlow(CxList.ReduceFlowType.ReduceSmallFlow);

//    Flow
result = result.ReduceFlow(CxList.ReduceFlowType.ReduceBigFlow);

: ,

: Checkmarx , . , , . , :


, :

result = base.General_privacy_violation_list();

//  ,      .      .
CxList personalList = All.FindByShortNames(new List<string> {
	"*securityToken*", "*sessionId*"}, false);



: , .


CxList allStrings = All.FindByType("String"); 
allStrings.Add(All.FindByType(typeof (Declarator)));
allStrings.Add(All.FindByType(typeof (MemberAccess)));

List < string > pswdIncludeList = new List<string>{"*password*", "*psw", "psw*", "pwd*", "*pwd", "*authKey*", "pass*", "cipher*", "*cipher", "pass", "adgangskode", "benutzerkennwort", "chiffre", "clave", "codewort", "contrasena", "contrasenya", "geheimcode", "geslo", "heslo", "jelszo", "kennwort", "losenord", "losung", "losungswort", "lozinka", "modpas", "motdepasse", "parol", "parola", "parole", "pasahitza", "pasfhocal", "passe", "passord", "passwort", "pasvorto", "paswoord", "salasana", "schluessel", "schluesselwort", "senha", "sifre", "wachtwoord", "wagwoord", "watchword", "zugangswort", "PAROLACHIAVE", "PAROLA CHIAVE", "PAROLECHIAVI", "PAROLE CHIAVI", "paroladordine", "verschluesselt", "sisma",
List < string > pswdExcludeList = new List<string>{"*pass", "*passable*", "*passage*", "*passenger*", "*passer*", "*passing*", "*passion*", "*passive*", "*passover*", "*passport*", "*passed*", "*compass*", "*bypass*", "pass-through", "passthru", "passthrough", "passbytes", "passcount", "passratio"};

CxList tempResult = allStrings.FindByShortNames(pswdIncludeList, false);
CxList toRemove = tempResult.FindByShortNames(pswdExcludeList, false);
tempResult -= toRemove;
tempResult.Add(allStrings.FindByShortName("pass", false));

foreach (CxList r in tempResult)
	CSharpGraph g = as CSharpGraph;
	if(g != null && g.ShortName != null && g.ShortName.Length < 50)

: , Checkmarx

: Checkmarx , . .

, - . , - . , Android - Timber Loggi. , , . Checkmarx .

, Timber :

package com.death.timberdemo;

import android.os.Bundle;

import timber.log.Timber;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    private static final String TAG = MainActivity.class.getSimpleName();

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Timber.e("Error Message");
        Timber.d("Debug Message");

        Timber.tag("Some Different tag").e("And error message");

Checkmarx, Timber, :


result = base.Find_Android_Outputs();

//  ,     Timber
CxList timber = All.FindByExactMemberAccess("Timber.*") +


, Android:


result = base.Find_Android_Log_Outputs();

//  ,     Timber
  All.FindByExactMemberAccess("Timber.*") +

, Android- WorkManager , Checkmarx, getInputData:


result = base.Find_Android_Read();

//    getInputData,    WorkManager
CxList getInputData = All.FindByShortName("getInputData");


: plist iOS

: iOS .plist. , , , .

plist , , Checkmarx. , , - .

, backend:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
		<string>iPhone 6s</string>

Checkmarx, , :

//        plist,       
CxList plist = Find_Plist_Elements();

CxList dictionarySettings = All.NewCxList();

//       .      .
//   ,   ,  FindByMemberAccess -    .    , false, ,     
dictionarySettings.Add(plist.FindByMemberAccess("privatekey", false));
dictionarySettings.Add(plist.FindByMemberAccess("privatetoken", false));

//    -   plist -     "If statement"
CxList ifStatements = plist.FindByType(typeof(IfStmt));

//   ,      -   
result = dictionarySettings.FindByFathers(ifStatements);


: Checkmarx XML , , . , , - . , - , .


result = All.FindXmlAttributesByNameAndValue("*.app", 8, “id”, "error- section", false, true);

, All … , XML , - cxXPath. Android, HTTP :

//     cxXPath
result = cxXPath.FindXmlAttributesByNameAndValue("*.xml", 8, "cleartextTrafficPermitted", "true", false, true);

, , , , . , :

  • "*.xml"- ,

  • 8 - id ,

  • "cleartextTrafficPermitted"- xml

  • "true" -

  • false -

  • true - , , case-insensitive

, , , Android, HTTP. , cleartextTrafficPermitted true:

        <domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>
            <certificates src="@raw/my_ca"/>
        <domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
            <domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>

: /

: , Android, , . , build.gradle , .

build.gradle, , . , , .

, , . apply ''.

build.gradle, :

apply plugin: ''

android {
    compileSdkVersion 24
    buildToolsVersion "24.0.2"
    defaultConfig {

    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled true

dependencies {

build.gradle , :

apply plugin: 'android-library'

dependencies {
  compile ''

android {
  compileSdkVersion 14
  buildToolsVersion '17.0.0'



//   release     Gradle 
CxList releaseMethod = Find_Gradle_Method("release");

//     build.gradle
CxList gradleBuildObjects = Find_Gradle_Build_Objects();

//  ,     "release"      build.gradle
CxList methodInvokesUnderRelease = gradleBuildObjects.FindByType(typeof(MethodInvokeExpr)).GetByAncs(releaseMethod);

//   gradle-  "" -  ,            
CxList android_library = gradleBuildObjects.FindByName("");

List<string> libraries_path = new List<string> {};

//     "" 
foreach(CxList library in android_library)
	string file_name_library = library.GetFirstGraph().LinePragma.FileName;

CxList minifyEnabled = methodInvokesUnderRelease.FindByShortName("minifyEnabled");

CxList minifyValue = gradleBuildObjects.GetParameters(minifyEnabled, 0);

CxList minifyValueTrue = minifyValue.FindByShortName("true");

//  ,      :D
if (minifyValueTrue.Count == 0) {
	minifyValue = minifyValue.FindByAbstractValue(abstractValue => abstractValue is TrueAbstractValue);
} else {
    //   - ,     
	minifyValue = minifyValueTrue;	

if (minifyValue.Count == 0)
    //           buildTypes  android
	CxList tempResult = All.NewCxList();
	CxList buildTypes = Find_Gradle_Method("buildTypes");
	if (buildTypes.Count > 0) {
		tempResult = buildTypes;
	} else {
		tempResult = Find_Gradle_Method("android");
	//         ,     
	foreach(CxList res in tempResult)
        // ,      buildType  android 
		string file_name_result = res.GetFirstGraph().LinePragma.FileName;
        //        ""  -          
		if (libraries_path.Contains(file_name_result) == false){

Android , , .

: ,

: , . , Checkmarx , . , , .

, , . , :

  • , , . , ,

  • , , . ,

  • , .

slick Scala, , Splicing Literal Values. , SQL- $, SQL-. , Prepared Statement Java. , SQL-, , , #$, (, ).


//    - ,  
val table = "coffees"
sql"select * from #$table where name = $name".as[Coffee].headOption

Checkmarx Splicing Literal Values #$, SQL- :

CxList imports = All.FindByType(typeof(Import));

//   ,     slick
CxList slick = imports.FindByShortName("slick");

//  , ,      
//     -      
bool not_empty_list = false;
foreach (CxList r in slick)
    //   , ,  slick 
	not_empty_list = true;

if (not_empty_list) {
    //  ,    SQL-
	CxList sql = All.FindByShortName("sql");
	//  ,     
	CxList data_sql = All.DataInfluencingOn(sql);
	//     ,      
	// RegExp            ,        
	CxList find_possible_inj = data_sql.FindByRegex(@"\#\$", true, true, true);

    //    ,       
	result = find_possible_inj.FindByType(typeof(BinaryExpr));

: Open-Source

: Open-Source ( OSA), . . - , . SAST OSA, , , , .

, , JavaScript, . , , , lodash template *set.

JS :

 * Template example

'use strict';
var _ = require("./node_modules/lodash.js");

// Use the "interpolate" delimiter to create a compiled template.
var compiled = _.template('hello <%= js %>!');
console.log(compiled({ 'js': 'lodash' }));
// => 'hello lodash!'

// Use the internal `print` function in "evaluate" delimiters.

var compiled = _.template('<% print("hello " + js); %>!');
console.log(compiled({ 'js': 'lodash' }));
// => 'hello lodash!'


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Lodash Tutorial</title>
    <script src="./node_modules/lodash.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
  // Lodash chunking array
        nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];

        let c1 = _.template('<% print("hello " + js); %>!');

        let c2 = _.template('<% print("hello " + js); %>!');

, :

//   :     lodash (,     
CxList lodash_strings = Find_String_Literal().FindByShortName("*lodash*");

//   :     
CxList data_on_lodash = All.InfluencedBy(lodash_strings);

List<string> vulnerable_methods = new List<string> {"template", "*set"};

//     ,         ,   
CxList vulnerableMethods = All.FindByShortNames(vulnerable_methods).FindByType(typeof(MethodInvokeExpr));

//  :     
CxList vulnFlow = All.InfluencedBy(vulnerableMethods);

//       -   
result = vulnFlow * data_on_lodash;

//        ,     
List<string> lodash_result_path = new List<string> {};

foreach(CxList lodash_result in result)
	string file_name = lodash_result.GetFirstGraph().LinePragma.FileName;

//      html ,            
//    ,   ,         ,    lodash
List<string> lodash_path = new List<string> {};
foreach(CxList string_lodash in lodash_strings)
	string file_name = string_lodash.GetFirstGraph().LinePragma.FileName;

//      ,       ,   / lodash
foreach(CxList method in vulnerableMethods)
	string file_name_method = method.GetFirstGraph().LinePragma.FileName;
	if (lodash_path.Contains(file_name_method) == true && lodash_result_path.Contains(file_name_method) == false){

//   UknownReferences    ""  ,   
result = result.ReduceFlow(CxList.ReduceFlowType.ReduceSmallFlow) - result.FindByType(typeof(UnknownReference));


: , , SSL-Pinning. - . , :

CxList find_certs = All.FindByShortNames(new List<string> {"*.der", "*.cer", "*.pem", "*.key"}, false);

// ,     
CxList data_used_certs = All.DataInfluencedBy(find_certs);

//     -   ,    
CxList methods = All.FindByMemberAccess("*.getAssets");

result = methods * data_used_certs;


: , . , , . CxQL :

//   ,    
CxList strings = base.Find_Strings();

//       .       "qwerty12345"
result = strings.FindByShortName("qwerty12345");

, , Checkmarx . , , - .

, , Checkmarx. Github, , , CxQL, - , . , contributors are welcome!


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